Breeze Like Cotton

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Books and such

Lots of days and lots of books since the last time I posted. I'm quite lazy to write something about each book but almost all of them are recommended by me. Speacilly Milan Kundera's. I read this year "Ignorance" and "Slowness" and currently am reading "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" which is my favorite so far. I'm also reading "A tale of two cities" but I tend to leave it in stand by because I get bored really fast, plus the vocabulary is rather high for my level (I have it in oldschool british english) and even when I understand the main actions I get tired of having troubles understanding the atmosphere which is the most important about Dickens writing style, his beautiful way of describing and his prose. Probably I'll get Oliver Twist (in spanish), I liked the movie (except for all that drama but I can deal with it...kinda).

I'm really easy to please when it comes to books but when it's about things like Julie & Julia certainly am ashamed. I think is one of the worst books I've ever read. I don't recommend it at all. Julie's writing style is too messy, she gets lost when explaining something , she goes way too far when it comes to digress. Her story was upside down , I got lost a couple of times and was pleading to finish boring and pointless chapters. I hate to leave books unfinished that's why I read it until the very end.

I've been reading Banana Yoshimoto's too. She is quite good. I liked "Amrita" so much, its lightness and simpleness it's amusing. Everything looked like was so easy and normal and its magic felt real. It's so simple and lost in details (which I love). Many people complains about Banana getting lost in useless details but I think it's were resides the beauty of her writing. I also read "Asleep".

Other books I read, include traveling through Germany and UK where I learned about their history and culture and The Good Conscience by Carlos Fuentes, which was quite interesting. If you wanna check up all the books individually check my goodreads account here: .

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